Getting things done

3 mi quick, 8:57 average pace

Hip hop cardio dance class

I can’t believe this is my last week of summer vacation! I am pretty excited to get back in the swing of things, and for the fall weather. I miss teaching the babes and I know time will fly by. I predict healthy eats/training are going to become increasingly more difficult next week but I am up for the challenge. I will need to stay organized and motivated 🙂

For today, here is breakfast! Two types of kashi cereal, chia seeds, blueberries, and almond milk.

And lunch. Spinach salad with tomato slices, cottage cheese, and leftover fish. Apple on the side.


My bedroom is finally painted! Woohoo. I am proud to say that I did this whole project on my own, and I am really enjoying the finished product. I still need to add a few things to the walls, spray paint some old furniture, and add blinds/curtains. I am not showing the before pictures because it was basically a giant mess of little mermaid, sticky tack, and beanie babies. Embarrassing.

My goal for the week: Continue to catch up with friends and focus on some core work! I did a few ab exercises today that I will share soon.

What projects are you working on or plan to do?

What is your favorite meal from the day?

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