Category Archives: Safety

Night Running

 Tuesday-4 mi

One way to change up your run in the summer is to try running at night. It is sometimes difficult to make it out for your run before the heat sets in and this is a way to squeeze it in.

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Safety is the biggest concern for runners that want to hit the sidewalk at night. Here are some ways to stay safe.

  • Wear reflective clothing/vests
  • Take a flashlight
  • Don’t run with music
  • Run with a friend
  • Run familiar routes

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Make sure you eat dinner at a reasonable hour so that your food has enough time to digest before the sun goes down. In the winter, while running in the dark (6:30pm) I would eat a Luna/Lara Bar before and wait to eat dinner after the run.

*Melissa and I went for a run at night on July 4th! We had a blast seeing the fireworks, looking for flag decor, and finishing our run on the beach.

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Do you ever run at night?