Monthly Archives: February 2013

Running for the Weekend

Monday-3 x1600m @ 7:45

Tuesday-Bike/elliptical 45 minutes

Wednesday-3.5 mi AM, 5.4 mi PM

I don’t mean to complain, but this week is dragging! It has been an exhausting four days at school and I’m really looking forward to some down time. Also looking forward to my long run! Melissa is going to help me out and bike some miles next to me.

I had some trouble at the gym Wednesday morning for my tempo run. I needed to do 6 miles, but my stomach was feeling off. I met my mileage later in the day at group run and we had a beautiful night. It all worked out. Smile


I donated some old Mizunos at Elite Feet!

I have been munching on omelettes, sweet potatos, salads, greek yogurt, bananas, and oranges this week. Also lots of nuts and nut butter! Here is a quick dinner of tuna salad sandwich (made with hummus) and tomatoes and carrots.


I couldn’t eat the whole sandwich so I saved part for lunch tomorrow. BOOM!

What are your favorite week day meals?

Any fun plans for the weekend!?

Week 4- Cleveland Marathon Training

Saturday- 11 mi, 9:25 average pace


Oh, rest day. Thank you for helping me recover and energize for my speed work tomorrow. Today I have been catching up on homework, watching a few shows, and making omelettes. Later Kevin and I are going to a few open houses and exploring some new areas.

I am proud of my long run from yesterday. I was doubting myself during the first few miles because of the wind and the icy/snowy roads. Half way through I found my groove and I was loving every minute of it. Plus the wind was at my back for the second half! I need to remember that my mind might think that 11 miles is nothing, but my body is just getting back to higher mileage. I am a little sore today, so rest is a good thing.

Both tempo and speed work days were really tough for me this week. I’m hoping the fast paces will start to get easier and make me a speedy bunny.

Summary of the week:

Monday– 5 x 1000 @ 7:50 + swim


Wednesday-6 mi tempo run

Thursday-Bike 45 minutes

Friday-Spin class

Saturday– 11 mi LSD @ 9:25


Last night Kevin and I made the yummiest meal! Stuffed pasta shells and stuffed bell peppers. Stuffing everything reminded me of The Little Mermaid when the cook is trying to stuff Sebastian. Smile

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Have a restful Sunday!

What are your favorite rest day activities?

Hydration Nation

Wednesday-6 mi tempo run

Thursday-45 min stationary bike

Friday-Spin class

Hydration is on my mind despite the cold temperatures. Planning for water intake during a long run can take some organization. I usually train during the warm summer months and basically put a water bottle on every corner in town. Water fountains are good options in the summer, but along our water front there is really only one fountain. I like to take in water every 2 miles or so, and energy gels every hour in double digit territory. I drink water all day every day.


Here are some options:

Hydration belt

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I am used to having this around my hips during my longest runs. I secure the velcro tightly so that it doesn’t bounce around much. I usually only fill the bottles half way at a time so it’s not too heavy. I like the extra pocket for chapstick, tissues, money or GU. I either refill at water fountains or plant some water bottles on street corners.

Handheld water bottles

These bottles have a strap that secures around your hand so that you don’t have to expend more energy holding it. It has a nice little pocket too for extras. I like that you can fill it with a lot of water, but I felt a little bit lopsided on my first run with it. After adjusting the straps and switching hands every 10 minutes or so, it was better.

Plant bottles around town

I like to have more water available as opposed to less. So on a 15 mile loop I might put 2 full water bottles/sports drink spaced out on different corners. That way I can hit the same bottle multiple times and refill my fuel belt.

How would you feel if this creeper was hiding a bottle on a corner in your neighborhood? Winking smile


Secure a running groupie

Have a friend or family member meet you part way through a difficult long run with fluids and other goodies like a towel, candy, or just a pep talk. I am working on making Kevin my groupie. In the past I have had my mom and my in-laws help out during or after a run.

I like to use GU energy gels once I get into double digit miles. I love all of the flavors, and it really gives me a carb boost.

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Bananas are a natural option too. I had a piece of banana during the Chicago Marathon and my long run last weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed and needed it both times.

And then you get some fun runs that need a little bit of this…


What do you like to drink while you exercise?

Week 3- Cleveland Marathon Training

Today-5 x 1000 @ 7:53 + 30 min swim

Another week down! As my schedule at school is filling up for the rest of the year, I am realizing how quickly the next few months will go by. And then it will be marathon go time!

Recovery fruit smoothie on Friday


On Monday morning I did my speedwork outside before school. I usually feel energized after a run for the rest of the day, but this one was draining. I attempted to make it through the rest of my Monday.

My tempo run on Wednesday was broken up into 5 miles in the AM outside, and 4 miles at group run in the PM. Both runs felt really great, but the sidewalks in this town are ridiculous. Never salted or plowed.


Long run was a toughie. The wind kicked my ass and I had to refuel with 1/2 banana at mile 7.5. I took my new handheld water bottle, and slowly started to get used to it. I usually use a belt with attached water bottles that sits on my hips. The sidewalks were awful again, so I had to change my route and run an out and back on a quiet road. The best part was knowing how hard I worked and that I could push through the elements.

Summary of the week:

Monday– 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400m sprints with 200m rest intervals (RI) between + Swim


Wednesday-9 mi (5 AM 8:33 average pace, 4 PM 9:30ish)


Friday-10 mi 9:12 average pace

Saturday– Rest

Sunday-Unplanned rest!

Other recent events include making breakfast cookies, deep cleaning my electric toothbrush, watching the finale of Downton Abbey and getting pre-approved for a mortgage!

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Anyone else training for a spring race?

What was your best run/workout this week?

Getting social

Thursday-Rest day

Friday-10 mi, 9:12 average pace

Happy weekend! I confess that I have been in weekend mode since yesterday at 4pm because of mid-winter break. The free day today was glorious. I have been really bad about keeping up with fun pictures, so here are a few highlights.

Last Saturday night Melissa was in town and we tried out this little wine bar and brew pub called VinoMondo. Kevin and his friend Tim joined us too. We had such a fun night there and really enjoyed the wine flights.


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On Sunday I went back to Local in Ferndale for brunch. Amazing meal once again. I had an omelette with different types of onions and ricotta cheese. Fruit, and WW toast on the side, plus we had raspberry scones for the table.



Kevin and I made pizza and roasted veggies on Wednesday that turned out better than we expected. Great meal!



Next up, new shoes!! The highlight of my week was taking these bad boys for a spin Wednesday morning. I wear Mizuno Wave Inspire, and these are the 8th generation. I swear I could fly.



My sweetie and I went out to a little coffee shop on Valentine’s Day for sandwiches and live music. Red wine at home afterwards…it put me to sleep on the couch. Oops!


More updates to come, including Week 3 of marathon training recap!

Have you tried any new bars or restaurants?

Any fellow Mizuno runners!?

Raw Food Enthusiasm

Sunday- 4 mi relaxed pace

Monday-1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400m + Swim

Tuesday-Spin class

Wednesday-5 mi AM 8:33 average pace, Group run PM 4 mi

What a crazy week! It is nice to finally have a moment to check in with you guys. Work has been a little bit stressful, so I’ve been spending my free time sweating for endorphins and keeping up with my grad classes. Let’s catch up.


On Sunday I went running with a friend of my dad’s and blog reader, Susan. We ended up running a 2 mi out and back, with a little bit of snow and a lot of sunshine. Susan and I had a lot of similar interests to chat about. She told me about being a raw food enthusiast, with a focus on blended fruit smoothies. After our run Susan gave me a lesson!


*Make sure to use ripe bananas and also include some frozen bananas.

*Add a little bit of water to the bottom of the blender to get everything moving.




*Banana, orange, strawberry, blueberry, & grape



I have been making myself fruit smoothies every morning this week. Monday and Tuesday I had them alongside my typical breakfast. Today I had just the fruit smoothie for breakfast and it was the perfect amount of fuel.

Monday-Strawberry, orange & banana


Tuesday-Banana, grapes, & orange


Wednesday-Strawberry, banana, orange, & pear


I used to make smoothies every once in a while, but never with just fruit. I am really enjoying this tasty and simple breakfast. Let me know if you try it, and what you think!

Happy Valentine’s day!

Any healthy date night ideas?

Week 2- Cleveland Marathon Training

Thursday- 30 mins stair stepper + strength

Friday- Rest

Saturday- 9 mi 9:45 average pace

Week 2 is complete. The Run Less, Run Faster training plan has been an easy fit into my schedule. I have been enjoying the 3 days a week of running and the cross training. Also, the prescribed mileage and speeds have been just right.

Summary of the week:

Monday– 4 x 800 @ 7:45


Wednesday-7 mi (4 AM, 3 PM)

Thursday-Cross & strength


Saturday– 9 mi

Sunday-3 mi easy

I had another snow day yesterday (Friday). It was really nice to have the day off, but all of the snow dumped on us kept me from running outside for my long run. I did get to run 3 miles outside on Wednesday though.

Today I met a friend at a café downtown for coffee and it turned into a meal. It was fun to catch up and have friend time! I had their amazing oatmeal and caramel coffee.


Yesterday I had a yummy treat from McDonalds.


What is your favorite dessert/treat?

What I ate Wednesday!

Monday-4×800 @ 7:45 pace + swim class

Tuesday- Spin class (cross-train)

Wednesday- 4 mi AM, group run PM

It has been a long week already. It could be the weather or the monotony of my schedule that is making things go so slowly. I prepped lots of healthy eats this weekend, so I have been enjoying yummy meals and snacks. I boiled eggs, cooked quinoa, cut some veggies, and made cabbage soup.

Training has been great and that 7:45 pace on Monday was a good challenge for me. Here is a running clothes pic before the 10+ layers I’m adding to go to group run tonight. I look tired. Zombie eyes!


Let’s get to a full day of eats for WIAW. Thanks to Peas and Crayons for this fun food link party!


Plain greek yogurt with cinnamon, almonds, banana, and oats. Plus coffee.


1/2 Sweet potato with lowfat cottage cheese. Cut veggies and an apple.




Orange, almonds with cranberries, and eggs.




Cabbage soup and egg whites on a WW english muffin



I tried this chocolate pudding with a few almonds sprinkled on top. Pretty tasty.


Tell me about your eats and workouts? Anything fun and exciting?

Week 1- Cleveland Marathon Training

Thursday- 15 mins strength + 30 mins spin


Saturday- 8 mi easy pace + swimming

I have been a slave to the treadmill this week. The weather has been crazy, including a snow day on Monday, rain and temperatures in the 50’s on Wednesday, and back to 14 degrees this morning with the wind chill in the single digits. Needless to say, all of my first week of training took place on the tready.

I’m okay with all this indoor exercise, but I’m hoping to start working my way outdoors in the next few weeks. Here is an overview of Week 1.

Monday- 3 x1600 @ 8:00

Tuesday- Spin class (cross train)

Wednesday- 6 mi tempo

Thursday- Weights & Bike (cross train)

Friday- Rest

Saturday- 8 mi (marathon pace + 30 seconds) & swim (cross train)

Sunday- Rest (I thought about hitting the pool again, but I want to be fresh tomorrow)

I really enjoyed both runs on Monday and Wednesday. They were a very good challenge for me and I’m looking forward to more speed work. My training plan on Saturday had me aiming for a 10:00 pace and I felt that this was too slow, so I started at a 9:50 and sped up every 2 miles. I think the plan simply calls for a slow pace on long run day because the mileage will build up pretty fast over the next few weekends.

Here are some recent eats!


There are little honey filled hard candies. A much more natural candy alternative!


Yummy dates dipped in a little bit of Better N’ Peanut Butter.


Pretty good popcorn, but basically just air popped with sea salt. Easy to make at home!


Kevin made mussels Friday night!


Salmon with a maple soy glaze and whole wheat noodles with veggies

I am off to do lot’s of grocery shopping and food prep! Have a restful Sunday.

Anyone watching the game tonight?

What did your week of eats and workouts look like?